Chinese Simplified Bible Contemporary (Out of Stock)




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The Bible (in Simplified Chinese)

Contemporary Translation [Revised Edition]

语言作为沟通的媒介,具有深刻的时代背景和 文化特色。要翻译几千年前成书的《圣经》, 不仅需要攻克古语言的难关,还要追溯历史的 长河,跨越文化的藩篱。中文《圣经》从最早 的文言文译本,到后来以《和合本》为代表的 白话文译本,再到近年来不断涌现的通俗译本, 每一个译本的初衷都是要将上帝永不改变的话 以最有效的方式呈献给所处的时代。因为语言 随着时代的变迁在不断地演绎和变化,以语言 为基础的《圣经》翻译不可能一劳永逸。

《当代译本》力求译文准确、清楚、通俗易懂、 贴近当代生活,特别适合广大青少年慕道友和 不熟悉圣经文化背景的人。相信《当代译本》 自然、流畅的文风和严谨、缜密的结构,会给 读者带来耳目一新的读经体验,使读者轻松地 明白上帝话语的精义,不再被艰涩拗口的文字 羁绊。

To translate the Bible, which was written thousands of years ago, we not only need to overcome the difficulties of ancient languages, but also trace the long river of history and cross the cultural barriers. From the earliest translations of the Chinese Bible in Mandarin, to the later translations in vernacular language represented by the Harmony text, to the popular translations that have been emerging in recent years, the original purpose of each translation was to present God’s unchanging words in the most effective way to the times in which they were written. Because language is constantly evolving and changing with the times, a language-based translation of the Bible cannot be done once and for all.

The Contemporary Translation strives to be accurate, clear, easy to understand, and relevant to contemporary life, especially for young adults and those who are unfamiliar with the Bible’s cultural background. It is believed that the natural, fluent style and rigorous, meticulous structure of the Contemporary Translation will bring readers a refreshing experience in reading the Bible, enabling them to understand the essence of God’s Word with ease, and no longer be bound by difficult and awkward texts.


Dimensions: 5.2″ x 7.25″ x 1.0″


  • Weight: 1.07 lb
  • Width: 5.2 in
  • Depth: 1 in
  • Height: 7.25 in
  • Language: Chinese (Simplified)

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